Best technology stack for Web Application Development

Best technology stack for Web Application Development

Sun, 09 May 2021

A technology stack includes programming languages and software tools for designing and creating web apps. In broader terms, we can say that the frontend and the backend are included in a web/mobile application. The app can be built into layers, and positioning is what is referred to as stacking technology. These technologies are linked to each other, are the building blocks, and are dependent on each other. An application’s frontend or client-side may include, among other languages and technologies, the use of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. A backend may be called engine powering and web app driving. It is responsible for implementing logic, too. Below are some of the significant technology stacks. LAMP: The LAMP acronym stands for the programming language for Linux operating system, Apache web server, MySQL database, and PHP. Some of LAMP’s highlights are its security, scalability, and the availability of multiple customization options. This stack can also be used with other operating systems including macOS and Windows and even when a switch is made, the quality is not compromised. Python-Django: The MySQL database, the Apache web server, and the Django framework are used by the back-end technology stack. It is written in programming language for Python. The benefits offered by the Python-Django framework include the ability to develop quickly and at high-quality levels. Through this framework, are pursued projects for which time is a critical factor. Serverless Computing: When discussing the best stacks of web application development technology, we also need to take note of the more sophisticated developments such as serverless computing. There is no framework or programming language in the Framework. A software developer or engineer only has to choose the front or back end development framework, while the operating responsibilities such as databases, environment, and servers are automatically taken care of. MEAN: The MEAN acronym stands for the MongoDB database, the application framework for Express.js, the front-end development framework for Angular.js, and the runtime environment for Node.js. This stack of technology includes tools for both front and back end development of a web application. The JavaScript framework everywhere has the same language for either side of the web application and can be classified as a full-stack development framework for web applications. Such structuring and capability make the stack more time-saving and flexible. It also provides a smooth learning curve and exhibits good performance. Tips for choosing the right technology stack: Project Size and Type Time Scalability Costs