CRM Integrations That Can Be a Game-Changer

CRM Integrations That Can Be a Game-Changer

Sun, 09 May 2021

How much of an individual’s workload it can simplify is often determined by any good CRM program. With companies increasingly on the road to digital transformation, more and more of them are relying heavily on suitable technologies and resources to keep track of their administrative tasks. This is where the idea of integration of CRM comes into the spotlight to improve the daily functionalities of a CRM. A CRM is limited in its versatility though incredibly effective on its own, and can prove to be a huge headache for your sales team. In fact, 17 percent of sales representatives claim that the lack of integration of the CRM of their organization with other instruments is the biggest impediment to its use. The seamless link of third party tools to your CRM applications is CRM integration. Typically, such integrations offer automated workflows to extend the flexibility of applications and ease manual efforts to switch between tools. In one spot, they also collect all critical sales functions and convert the sales contact portal into a hub for customer service, document management, invoice management, email marketing, and more. There are usually three ways in which these integrations work: Native integrations: Those that are integrated with the CRM program are native integrations. Third-party integrations: Integrations of third parties are those instruments that are constructed by independent companies. Custom integrations: Those that are created using APIs are custom integrations. Key Integrations for CRM CRM Email Integration CRM Calendar Integrations Live Chat Integrations with CRM Social Media CRM Integrations Data Collection CRM Integrations Marketing Automation Integration with CRM Customer Success CRM Integrations Ecommerce CRM Integrations Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Integrations Document CRM Integrations Event CRM Integrations Conclusion It’s not the easiest job to integrate your CRM with software, but it’s worth the effort, especially after considering the amount of manual work it automates. These integrations also help you gain data visibility across the organization, gain deeper insights, and build more effective workflows to more efficiently manage customer relationships.