Stock Photos vs. Photography in web design

Stock Photos vs. Photography in web design

Sat, 08 May 2021

If you have decided to create a new website, choosing photos to display on your site will be the next step in creating your website. People are visual beings and, in addition to copying, want to be guided by the imagery on your website. Think about what the end-user needs to be able to access your website, find what they’re looking for, perform an activity, and move on. Stock photos: When you need high quality, cheap photos, stock photos are a great resource to use. They are a more cost-effective option than an actual photo shoot, and less time-consuming. Stock photos, however, tend to be viewed as less personal to the consumer, less authentic, or fake. In the stock photo world, most of the images tend to be as generic as possible so that they can relate to a broad sector. Most of these end up looking the same and come off inauthentic, because of the nature of these industries. They are photos taken by people who don’t really know what it’s like to work in the industry with models using props. Industries that struggle with stock photography: Medical Technology Business/Corporate/Consulting Financial Real Estate Construction Professional photography: You want your website to send a message to the customer and tell a story about who you are, what your business is doing, and how your services can benefit them. Your website is often the first impression of your business that people have and first impressions are everything. Professional photos give individuals the security they need to choose your company instead of rivals. You want to make sure that any potential clients are appealing and welcoming to your online presence. Your business will grow by establishing a personal and consistent theme for your website. At the end: In choosing stock photos or professional photography, pricing is the deciding factor here. I will always recommend photography because, instead of spending hours looking at stock photo sites, it gives the designer more to work with.