WebAssembly-the good JavaScript

WebAssembly-the good JavaScript

Fri, 09 Apr 2021

Applications that run inside a browser are becoming increasingly common. Like office software developers like Microsoft, and Google, which continually add new functions to their packages, browser-based games are becoming increasingly complex, and more resources are being utilized. These web applications are often written using JavaScript. Now an increasing number of developers turn a new approach to WebAssembly with brilliant results.

What is WebAssembly?

WebAssembly (Wasm) is providing a new way for web developers to make applications available online. Previously, JavaScript was the sole option. The problem is that JavaScript runs relatively slowly and in some situations, performance can be a struggle. Thus a new method of WebAssembly was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium. The browser used must be able to handle the language for Wasm to function. The development process involved all of Mozilla, Microsoft, Apple, and Google. WebAssembly apps are compatible with all of those developers’ latest browser versions.


WebAssembly currently has only one real drawback: it doesn’t catch on fast enough. Web developers are used to JavaScript, and no plans to replace JavaScript. The project managers very clearly stated that they wanted to promote Wasm as an alternative to JavaScript. This is also helped by the fact that visitors to websites don’t have to do anything themselves using WebAssembly loading applications just as easily as JavaScript code, only faster.

Here are some of the reasons why WebAssembly is good JavaScript:

  • W3C open web standard
  • High performance and small file sizes
  • Perfect for mobile browsing
  • Even virtual reality programs can theoretically run in a browser
  • No need to learn a new programming language
  • C, C++, and Rust can now all be used to program web applications
  • Supported by all of the major browser manufacturers
  • No limitations for users

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