What are PPC and its importance?

What are PPC and its importance?

Wed, 14 Apr 2021

What is PPC?

PPC: Pay-Per-Click is an advertising platform that is used to drive traffic on websites. In which publishers pay when the ad is clicked like a search engine, website owner, or a network of websites. Pay per click is an Indispensable element of a search engine optimization strategy and it brings immediate results. You can accomplish so many different goals with PPC like improving visibility, identifying new leads, bringing more traffic to your site, and increasing your conversions. PPC begins with a strategy and planning and first, you need to know what you want to accomplish. Sometimes your PPC goals will be visible, but sometimes it will require more deliberation.

The most common PPC goals are:

  • Brand awareness
  • Product and brand consideration
  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Repeat sales

PPC is all about consistency because users are searching for specific products, services, and information at any time. When users search advertisers can show a targeted ad at a time.

PPC can play an important role in your online business’s marketing campaign because it can be in particular useful for specialized, time-management campaigns, to directly address competitors, or to break into new geographic markets.

Let’s discuss PPC goals:

Define Goals

It’s very much important to decide the goals or objectives of your PPC campaign before you begin the second step. Goals will help you to create an effective and successful PPC strategy.

Brand Awareness

PPC is used for brand/business awareness and also raise the visibility of your business or brand or product. PPC ads can be effective by using keywords, topics, relevant placements, or a combination of those, and social media PPC ads are a good option for that.


When you cannot sell your product immediately or online at that time you have to make some strategy like follow up, request a demo, get a consultation, and free trial.


Customers, who are always ready to buy, they used words in their search queries that indicate a higher purpose like:

  • Model numbers
  • Shipping information
  • Discounts
  • Coupons
  • Financing

Focus on Quality Score

If you give full attention to Quality Score it would help you to optimize your PPC strategy.

Quality Score is in some important factors

  • Expected Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Ad Relevancy
  • Landing Page Experience
  • Keyword density