ReactJS and React Native

ReactJS and React Native

Fri, 24 Dec 2021

React Js and React Native are two technologies that are very comparable. However, there are certain distinctions to be aware of before embarking on the development of one's first native app or website.

Today, we'll go over what React Js and React Native are, as well as the primary distinctions between the two.

To learn more, continue reading.

What is React JS and how does it work?

React Js is an open-source, component-based front-end development library. It's generally used to create single-page apps' user interfaces.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is a text-based programming language that is used to create interactive, dynamic, and scalable web pages and web applications in web development. It is in charge of including interactive components such as movies, animations, graphics, and more on web pages.

What is React Native, and how does it work?

Facebook produced React Native, which is an open-source mobile application framework. So, in a nutshell, it enables web developers to create effective mobile applications utilizing their existing JavaScript skills.

React Native allows developers to use both their native platform and the React framework features to create apps for iOS, Web, UWP, macOS, Android, TvOS, and Android TV.

React Native's Benefits

The following are some of the benefits of using React native:


1. It can be utilized on a variety of platforms.

One of the most appealing features of React Native is that it only requires a single learning curve and can be created anywhere. Both Android and iOS devices are supported.

2. It is simple to create apps.


If you know JavaScript, you can quickly create native mobile apps.

3. Provides the best possible results

With the support of native modules and control, React Native excels at boosting performance.

4. Development is more rapid.

Development takes less time than with other programming languages ​​because of the pre-developed components available in the open-source library.

5. Reloading on the fly

During the development of your project, you may see the changes that are being made to the code. Developers can also pick and choose specific components, inspecting and editing their existing state and props.

A large developer community

React JavaScript and React Native has a huge developer community, making it easy for developers to discover answers to any issues they may have about the code.

Benefits of React JS

The following are some of the benefits of React JS:

It's a lot easier to understand and use.

The fact that ReactJs is simple to learn and use is one of the key reasons why so many developers enjoy working with it. Any developer with a JavaScript background will have no trouble understanding it.

It's a lot easier to make dynamic web applications now.

Working with React JS is easier, and because less coding is necessary, it is feasible to construct dynamic web applications much faster. Creating dynamic web apps with HTML, on the other hand, is far more challenging because it requires complicated coding.

It is a widely spoken and adult language.

React Js isn't going away anytime soon. It's a mature and reliable technology, and its popularity is only anticipated to grow in the next years.

Provides support in the form of useful tools.

Its support for a useful collection of tools makes the development process simple and straightforward for developers.

React Native's drawbacks

The following are some of React Native's drawbacks:

For newcomers, learning might be challenging.

You may find it challenging to master the language from scratch if you are new to the app development area.

Improvements in security robustness are required.

Because it's an open-source framework and a JavaScript library, it's not the most secure option. Experts also warn against using React Native for designing financial and banking apps.

Debugging is difficult.

Because React Native is written in JavaScript, C / C ++, Java, and Objective-C, it's more difficult for developers to debug faults, which may necessitate knowledge of the platform's native language.

Android support is poor.

React Native initially only supported the iOS platform. Android support was added subsequently, but only in subsequent versions. One of the main reasons React Native is associated with poor Android support is this.

Read on to learn about the drawbacks of React Js and React Native.

React JS's drawbacks

The following are some of React Js' drawbacks:

Development at a Breakneck Speed

This is both a good and a negative thing. Because React is still a relatively new language, it is rapidly evolving. As a result, new features are being sent out at a rapid speed, making it tough for developers to keep up with the latest additions.

It Only Addresses the MVC Model's View Section.

Due to the fact that ReactJS only covers the app's UI Layers and nothing else, developers must rely on other technologies as well. Some developers, however, see this as a benefit because it provides complete independence.

Inadequate documentation

The React documentation is inadequate because React JS is continuously changing and the library is routinely updated.


Each development technology has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and React Native and React Native is no exception.

Choosing between React Native and React Js is a question that requires you to consider the benefits and drawbacks of both technologies in order to come up with the best solution for you.