Static Web pages vs. Dynamic Web pages

Static Web pages vs. Dynamic Web pages

Wed, 07 Apr 2021

The Website is that place that delivers information to so many clients. This is called a web server that specifies a single domain where the data located and it is called URL-Universal Resource Locator of the Web Server. The user sends a request to access data through web protocol and the web protocol is HTTP. After that web server gives a response to the user or client and that is called a web page and this response contains the data in the form of markup. This webpage use markup language like HTML. HTML markup contains text, images, animation, links, audio, video, etc. In short “A website is a cluster of WebPages that deliver information to the client or user from the webserver”. The first page of the website is called the home page and it is hosted on one or more servers and it can be accessed by visiting its homepage using a computer. A website is managed by an individual, company, or organization.

Web can be of two types:

  1. Static Website
  2. Dynamic Website

Static Website

Static web pages are very simple and written in the HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc. languages stored in the webserver. In static web pages, a server receives a request from the user for a web page, then the server sends the response to the user without doing any additional process and we can see web pages through a web browser. In static web pages, it does not get changed until someone changed it manually. These types of websites are written in simple language code like HTML and CSS. Examples of static websites are organization websites, institute websites, etc.


Dynamic Website

Dynamic web pages are not as easy as static web pages. It is written in languages such as CGI, AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, etc. The content of the dynamic pages is different for different visitors and takes more time to load than the static web page. It is used where the information is changed frequently. Examples of dynamic web pages are stock prices, weather information, etc. Dynamic web page uses a combination of server-side and client-side. Client-sid refers to code that is accomplished by the browser. Server-side refers to code that is executed by the server.



No. Static Web Page Dynamic Web Page
1. The Content of web pages will the same until someone changes it manually. The content of web pages is different for different users.
2. Static web pages are very simple. Dynamic web pages are very complex.
3. The Database is not used. The Database is used.
4. Static web pages take less time to load. Dynamic web pages take much time for loading.
5. Information change rarely. Information change frequently.
6. Written in HTML, CSS, JavaScript Written in CGI, AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET