How to create a Node.js e-commerce platform

How to create a Node.js e-commerce platform

Sat, 10 Apr 2021

E-commerce means the purchase and sale of goods over the Internet. Sellers list items for buyers to buy. Many think of e-commerce as online purchasing and selling physical goods, but it also includes digital products and services.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is a run-time for JavaScript. Node.js enables asynchronous programming driven by events which is a significant advantage. Its open-source performs well and is written in C++. Chrome and Node.js are well-known examples of the software that it was creating.

Asynchronous programming driven by events eliminates blocking processes and therefore developers can easily add capacity. A server running Node.js can respond to multiple requests simultaneously, without any API call being stopped or blocked. Therefore any processing is always event-based; events trigger call-back functions.

Why Node.js is good for e-commerce?

The development of cross-platforms is easy as developers only need to know Node.js and performance is crucial in an e-commerce platform, and Node.js offers robust performance.

Asynchronous event-driven programming helps scalability and that is what e-commerce websites need. That is a Node.js advantage. The vibrant community of Node.js is a big help for developers since the development of e-commerce platforms can often be complex.

Node.js development has many plugins available, and these take care of various functionalities and features. For e-commerce websites, data streaming is important and Node.js is a very useful tool for that. It is Open-source so you’ll likely relatively easily find skilled and experienced developers.

Node.js supports the development both of the frontend and the backend. This helps to build real-time communication that e-commerce websites customers require. Node.js-built websites are lightweight and load faster. That is important for e-commerce platforms.

Node.js offers the following benefits:

  • Developers can easily create Web apps in real-time.
  • Coding is easy as developers can use JavaScript to code components for both the client and the server. JavaScript is very popular and is already known by many web developers. So developers are benefiting from higher productivity.
  • js works fast since machine code uses JavaScript.
  • It’s open-source, so independent developers have helped ensure a large number of modules and tools are in place. There is a vibrant community of developers from Node.js so in the future; we can expect many more such helpful modules.
  • js facilitates the streaming of the data.
  • The platform has enthusiastically embraced Node.js as a Service-PaaS. PaaS providers facilitate development so this is an added incentive for developers to use Node.js.
  • Database queries with Node.js get easier. JavaScript is already used by modern NoSQL databases such as MongoDB. Node.js developers need not worry about differences in syntax when performing queries on databases.

At the end:

E-commerce is an industry that is growing but it is very competitive. Using a PaaS provider and using well-known e-commerce frameworks specific to Node.js can simplify a bit of development. If you want to create a strategic e-commerce platform Node.JS can be challenging and complex.

It can take time to find experienced developers in addition; you need to manage the end-to-end project. If you don’t have the relevant experience or can’t find the right developers, consider hiring a professional development partner.