How to improve your website’s performance with CodeIgniter

How to improve your website’s performance with CodeIgniter

Mon, 12 Apr 2021

CodeIgniter, an open-source framework, is used generously to create vibrant and par excellence Web solutions. This web framework for PHP has every reason to be widely used by developers.

High-end security and many built-in features are just a few reasons why CodeIgniter Development Services have been in demand. In this PHP web framework, when you are developing a web solution, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to boost the performance of your Web solution.

Remove libraries that are not required:

A situation arises where not every library is allowed to be used during the development process. It’s always advisable to remove all those libraries that weren’t used to save your space on the server. Be careful whilst removing these libraries because they should not have been used elsewhere. When you move to the host server you can delete all of the unused libraries.

Scale down the server response time:

The amount of time the server takes to respond to the request from the browser can be very well defined as the response time from the server. Good response time for the server is indicative of good performance optimization for CodeIgniter. A good web hosting service, using fewer server resources, etc. are some of the techniques used with these CodeIgniter Development Services to scale down the server response time and enhance the overall website performance.

Delete index.php from the URL:                            

You can very well remove index.php from the website URL to improve the performance of your website. By default, index.php is included in the URL when you use CodeIgniter. Hence, remove index.php for an optimized URL for a search engine.

Use Autoload:

Make optimum use of Autoload whenever necessary. The use of an array of autoloads can be put into practice to load resources such as libraries, helpers, etc. At the same time, care should be taken not to overuse it otherwise could slow down your website’s performance. Use it wisely, then.

Use loops carefully:

There are times when the developer uses loops, as they are one of the powerful programming tools to improve the process of development. What if in a problem inside a loop there is one slow operation executed? It would cause a much bigger issue.

This states that while evaluating your loops, especially the nested ones, you need to be careful as one small problem might get magnified if it has a loop in it. Hence, be aware of the expensive loops to avoid wasting your time solving bulky mistakes and executing a well-performing website.


The above are some of the CodeIgniter tips which help to greatly improve the performance of the website when followed. Also, this open-source framework has a huge community of developers that steps forward to provide assistance and plugins to help developers in CodeIgniter. Besides these, it is the developer’s expertise and knowledge that ultimately leads to an authentic web solution.