HTTP vs. HTTPS: What’s the Difference?

HTTP vs. HTTPS: What’s the Difference?

Mon, 03 May 2021

Many punctual web users notice that many website domain names include “HTTP” while others use “HTTPS”. Even website owners who are the use of HTTP- “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol” they also not know the Importance of the additional letter “S” at the end. The meaning of letter S is security. HTTPS- “Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol” or “Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure” and after understanding the difference between the two, the next question arising is that What makes one more secure than the other, and how does this affect websites? The main differences between HTTP and HTTPS are in the overall security levels. So we are discussing about it. What is HTTP? Hyper Text Transfer Protocol offers how much information can be transmitted on the World Wide Web and provides standard rules for web browsers & servers to communicate. HTTP is one kind of application layer network protocol that is built on top of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). It uses the port no. 80 for Data Communication. HTTP uses Hypertext structured text which installs the logical link between nodes containing text and is also known as “stateless protocol” because each command is executed separately, without using the reference of the previous run command. What is HTTPS? HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure is the highly advanced and secure version of HTTP. It uses the port no. 443 for Data Communication. It is a combination of SSL/TLS protocol and HTTP and allows secure transactions by encrypting the entire communication with SSL. It helps you to protect potentially sensitive information from being stolen and allows you to create a secure encrypted connection between the server and the browser. It offers the bi-directional security of Data and it can determine the difference between one data sender or receiver and another. Difference between them: HTTP HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure It is less secure It is secure against hackers’ attacks It uses the port no. 80 for Data Communication It uses the port no. 443 for Data Communication It operates at TCP/IP level It operates using HTTP but uses an encrypted TLS/SSL connection HTTPS does not require an SSL certificate HTTPS requires an SSL certificate Does not use data encryption Use data encryption Does not improve search ranking Improve search ranking It is fast It is slower than HTTP