JHipster: the framework for modern websites

JHipster: the framework for modern websites

Fri, 09 Apr 2021

If you are developing a web application today, you will have various code generators and frameworks at your disposal which will save you a lot of work, providing your website with a base of tools and code. But finding these components and getting them to work together in harmony, while also being a good fit for your site, isn’t always easy. For this reason, in its platform of the same name the JHipster team has combined some of the most popular frameworks for front and back end development. The mix of Spring Boot, AngularJS, Bootstrap, and many other components is entirely open-source and perfectly suited to the creation of modern web applications and microservices.

What is JHipster?

Julien Dubois started the JHipster (short for the Java Hipster) website along with a handful of other developers. The name was primarily for a website generator concept since JHipster is intended to unite Java with other web development tools. The Framework collection today specifically targets the enterprise sector, with a focus on enabling high productivity during the development process as well as high-quality, application development.

JHipster’s components

JHipster offers on the front end solutions for creating and designing, as well as the necessary tools for developing back end. Spring Boot, for example, provides the perfect basis for generating a robust server-side Java stack, which can then be easily connected to various databases, virtualization engines, and monitoring tools, and is linked to the front end via the REST interface.

Regarding the front end development, JHipster relies primarily on the JavaScript frameworkAngular.js and the JavaScript libraryReact. Optionally, both can be combined with Twitter Bootstrap, the web framework’s precursor, and the HTML5 Boilerplate, an alternative web template. Additionally, the stylesheet language Sass can be used to extend JHipster, which simplifies design using CSS3.

Tools such as the code generator Yeoman, the JavaScript module bundler Webpack or the Gulp (for JavaScript) building management applications, and Maven and Gradle (for Java) ensure optimum workflow when using these various out-of-the-box solutions.

Advantages of JHipster

As shown in the above list, the JHipster collection is distinguished by the fact that the individual components match perfectly with each other. If you want to program your website with Java, you should consider using the suite. JHipster not only lowers the development-related entry barriers but also simplifies and unifies the entire programming process, whether during actual application development or subsequent code revisions and extensions. Since JHipster also provides you with the most important development tools, using the Framework collection, you can save a great deal of time.

You can also generate a web application with JHipster, which supports CRUD operations and has structured source code, quickly. There are also other useful features such as user management or internationalization.