Testing Checklist of Progressive Web Apps

Testing Checklist of Progressive Web Apps

Wed, 14 Apr 2021

Progressive Mobile Applications are the technical future. PWA development and Progressive Web Apps Testing combine the best of Web and Native Apps, combining new technologies with established best practices to build robust, reliable, and engaging experiences. Progressive Web Apps give the mobile app development services a new dimension. There are major features of a web apps-related PWA by implementing some of the strategies that native apps use to tackle these issues.

  • Reliable: PWA should instantly load up like a native application. This is in direct contrast to a web page, which does not usually load when the computer is disconnected from the network.
  • Fast: A PWA’s performance should be independent of things like geography, network speed, load, or other factors beyond the end-user’s control.
  • Engaging: PWAs provide the immersive, full-screen experience of native apps that eliminates the need for an app store, supporting features such as push notifications.

Advantages of Progressive Web Apps

  • Progressive: Works for any user, no matter the option of browser.
  • Responsive: Redimension any form like desktop, mobile, tablet, or emerging platforms.
  • Connectivity independent: Service workers to work offline or to networks of low quality.
  • App-like: Give the user an app-like feature for smooth communications and browsing.
  • Fresh: Always upgraded due to the process of upgrading by the service worker.
  • Safe: HTTPS to ensure content was not changed.
  • Discoverable: W3C manifests and scope of registration of service workers that allow search engines to locate them.
  • Re-engage able: Features such as push notifications make effortless re-engagement.
  • Installable: Allow users to “keep” applications on their home screen without the trouble of an app store.
  • Linkable: Can be easily shared via a URL, and requires no complex installation.

Progressive Web Apps Testing Checklist

  • Building and Testing Your First PWA
  • Site is served over HTTPS
  • Offline Loading
  • Metadata for ‘Add to Homescreen’
  • Page transitions should be smooth
  • Each page must have a URL


Progressive Web Apps are the future of technology and maturing at a rapid pace. Once you’re done testing your application with Progressive Web Apps, you’re left with the results if your Web App is progressive or not. If not, then it’s time for iterations.  If yes, just watch the conversions increase as PWAs proved to be a boon to the websites that implemented it.