The Types of Blockchain Projects Ruling the Decentralized Economy

The Types of Blockchain Projects Ruling the Decentralized Economy

Fri, 09 Apr 2021

Since Stuat Haber and W Scott Stornetta described it back in 1991 Blockchain has come a long way. The technology has become one of the greatest innovations of the century and has given rise to various new possibilities in various industries and sectors. Whether it is fintech, banking, healthcare, companies, properties, or supply chain.

A strong proof of which is that today, almost every entrepreneur, digital marketer, and even Blockchain development firm shows an interest in learning the fundamentals of Blockchain technology and looking ahead to enter the space.

With the technology’s increasing popularity, numerous ways to accept it for business transformation are coming into the spotlight, and so, the kinds of Blockchain projects; making everyone interested to know which of these styles is intended to help them lead the digital world in 2020.


The 5 Categories of Blockchain Projects

Fear of Missing Out’ Blockchain Solutions

FOMO (Fear of Losing Out) is the first sort of Blockchain solutions being created these days.   As depicted from the name, this type of project is brought to life just to ensure that businesses are not left behind on the market. They did not hold any meetings and addressed their position within their conventional business model. As you may have inferred up to now, these kinds of ventures do not generate much value for the company and remain a marketing act for the company. It only increases your target audience’s chances of giving your business products/services or competitors a second look around fear of losing out and taking the same move.

Opportunistic Solutions

Opportunistic solutions are the second category into which Blockchain projects fall. These types of solutions to Blockchain are designed to solve any known problem, particularly related to record-keeping. They add value to the enterprise even if it is not operational for a longer period.

Trojan horse Projects

Trojan horse projects also landed in this year’s list of the type of Blockchain business ideas that were gaining momentum. Such ventures are appealing, funded by reputable companies, addressing the normal and wide-ranging problem in a specific industry. But, they require users to share their sensitive information and transfer some control to the owner of the prime Blockchain in such a way that results in market consolidation. So, inviting different groups of people/ecosystems to participate in their processing is required.

Evolutionary Blockchain Projects

Another type of the evolutionary Blockchain project that business leaders focus on is. Those projects, as the name suggests, evolve with time. They are designed to improve over time, to employ decentralized governance tokens.

Blockchain-Native Solutions

Last but not least, native Blockchain technologies are also among the kinds of ventures considered by business leaders in 2020. Such ventures, built by entrepreneurs or expanded teams of large companies, are intended to build a new market of opportunities or disrupt an established ecosystem. They may start with different perspectives and facilities, but with time they are meant to move in the direction of tokenization or decentralized governance.