The typical purchaser’s journey was very predictable. It used to have straightforward cuts that most consumers followed – you could literally draw a straight line between their needs and final conversions. From the stage of awareness, consideration, and the final decision, all they needed was information.

The advent of the internet has fundamentally changed the entire purchaser’s journey, producing research-driven individuals that have a totally non-linear and unpredictable route to you. Finally, the fact that there is no detail about your company or that your goods can not be purchased online makes a huge difference for a large number of customers – online shoppers. With what we’ve heard about how people communicate with the internet before actually making the buying decision, it’s almost commercial suicide for every retailer not to sell online.

You Already Have an Accomplished Business

Perhaps you’re running an old family-inherited business. You’ve got regular customers, and you’re pretty sure they’re not buying online.

The truth is, the clients are here already. Customers can still visit your traditional store regularly, but with an online shop, you’re going to give them greater shopping service because they’re going to have a chance to test items before buying.

Second, you will be able to give them great customer support, because they will have all the relevant details that they might use even outside your store working hours.

You’ve Noticed Your Competitors Are Selling Online

According to Google, one in three mobile users bought from a business or brand other than the one they wanted to do because of the knowledge they received at the time they required it. If people get action or information on their mobile, this is your chance to provide them.

When you’re not there, you’re missing your chance to shine in a micro-moment called a customer. Since there are a billion of them in a day, without showing your brand on today’s market path, you won’t get a chance to meet potential customers ‘ needs when the conversion time comes.

You Are Focused On B2B

It’s vital to have a well-trained sales rep that will drive your sales to various companies – but the B2B web store will make them much more effective.

They would have immediate access to all product information, pricing, and inventory details, as well as order history, which would allow them to make better decisions on the spot. The biggest gain is that your sales rep will be free of tedious administrative tasks and will be able to spend more time building relationships with your customers, thereby significantly raising sales revenue.